
Wild Caught Alaskan Coho Salmon Steak

From Alaska
5.0  (4  reviews)
110-150gr steak, vac pac, frozen
฿149 per Steak

Fished from Alaska’s natural, pristine environment, Wild Coho Salmon Steaks capture their superior flavor, color and texture from the cold, clean waters of the North Pacific. Wild Coho Salmon’s rich, distinctive flavor is revealed in the moistness of its firm, pink, flesh. A favorite among many due to its tender texture and moderately bold taste, Wild Coho Salmon is a smart and healthy protein alternative. Perfect for grilling, baking, frying or on the BBQ. These 100% wild, pure salmon have a bright orange flesh, firm texture and delicate flavor. *Salmon steaks have the pin bone in and unlike fillets still contains bones in the flesh* == Wild-caught and directly imported from Alaska. Why are all of our fish wild-caught from rivers and oceans? Salmon are carnivores and feed on shrimp and krill as well as little sea creatures called plankton and zooplankton. This is the natural diet of a wild salmon. Salmon and other types of fish that raised in fish-farms are not on a carnivorous diet since it is too costly and therefore not very profitable for the farmers. Fish that are raised in farms are given food pellets made from soybeans and corn that also has antibiotics added to the food to reduce the outbreak of diseases like parasitic sea lice (https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/691981) In 2011 it was estimated that $436 million worth of farmed salmon in Norway was inedible due to parasitic sea lice breakouts in farmed fisheries (https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/691981), which is still an ongoing issue in 2019. When we mention our salmon is wild-caught from Alaska, we want our tribe members to know that they need not worry whether there's antibiotics or any other added toxins in our salmon. It's important to note that mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are found in both farm-raised and wild-caught seafood due to industrial pollution that finds its way into lakes, rivers, and oceans. However, studies show that there are 8x fewer PCBs in wild-caught fish than their farmed siblings (https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/getting-your-omega-3s-vs-avoiding-those-pcbsthe-family-healthguide). Large predatory fish that live 10+ years tend to build up more mercury as they age. The life expectancy of wild salmon is anywhere from 2-8 years and as they feed on small fish, their mercury levels are much lower. We have tested our wild-salmon for mercury and we are happy to say our wild-sockeye salmon contain less than 0.000041g/kg. We have also listed a neat chart that lists which fish have a lower mercury rate compared to others. https://paleorobbie.com/page/MercuryWildCaughtFish Finally, wild-caught salmon tastes much better and has a better texture than farmed.

Per 100 grams
Total Fat6 g
Total Protein22 g
Total Carbohydrates0 g
Total Fiber0 g
   6 years ago
Superb with Teriyaki sauce
   6 years ago
love wild fresh fish
   7 years ago
Juicy and delicious!
   7 years ago
very nice texture and quite filling